Air filters and dust eliminators.

Zakladni oblasti pouziti

Očistění od plynů
Plynové turbiny
Ochrana atmosféry
Systémy ventilace
Stříkací boxy
Čisté místnosti
Atomové elektrárny
Očistění od tabákového kouře

Filtry čistící vzduch od plynů a zápachů

Vyrábíme uhlíkové filtry a měniče jontů pro čistění přiváděného vzduchu, znečistěného molekulami par plynů, a také zápachy, v místnostech se zvýšenými požadavky na kvalitu vzduchu.

Vyrábí se uhlíkové filtry CCF a měniče jontů kapsové IPF. Pro podmínky s vysokými koncentracemi se vyrábí sekce uhlíkového filtru typu CF a měniče jontů typu IEF, CF, IEF-CF.

Při velké spotřebě vzduchu se filtry IFK mohou insta- lovat v sekci kapsových filtrů FCPF a uhlíkové filtry CCF v sekci FCCF.

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Filters of type CCF

Filters CCF are used for cleaning of supply, extract and recirculation air from gaseous contaminants as well as from odours in systems of general ventilation and air-conditioning in rooms of various purposes (administrative, households, medical, etc) Use of these filters allows to clear air up to sanitary and ecological norms, and also to raise the quality of supply air in rooms of higher comfort.

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Ion-exchange pocket filters of type IPF

Filters of type IPF are used for cleaning of supply and recirculation air in general ventilation and air conditioning systems from gaseous and vapour contaminants of acidic and basic origin. Filters with anionexchange medium are intended for cleaning air from acidic gases and vapours: sulphur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide, nitrogen dioxide; chlorine, bromine, iodine molecular, chromic anhydride; vapours of acids: acetic and ant; aerosols of acids: sulphur, phosphorus, nitrogen.

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Section of carbon filter

Section of carbon filter is used for cleaning air of gaseous, vaporous (molecular, organic, and inorganic) pollutants, as well as of odors in extract ventilation systems.

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Ion exchange filters of type IEF, CF, IEF-CF

Ion exchange filters of type IEF, CF, IEF-CF are used for cleaning air of toxic gaseous and aerosol contaminants (sulphur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, aerosols of sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric acids, ammonia, organic acids and bases, chromic anhydride, etc.) in chemical, engineering, electronic, and metallurgic industry, as well as in building materials manufacturing and in other industries. Due to the universality and simplicity, filters of type IEF are built in, supply, extract ventilation and recirculation systems, or in the systems of final cleaning of technological gases.

Cleaning of air and gases in filters occurs as a result of chemical reactions of gas and aerosol molecules with functional groups of ion exchange fibrous medium, forming filter elements.

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The filtering chamber of pocket filter of type FCPF

The filtering chamber of ion-exchenge pocket filter of type FCPF is used for installation and hermetic sealing of pocket filters of type IPF in systems of general and extract ventilation and in air conditioning of household, administrative and industrial buildings. The filtering chamber is placed in the structure of a ventilating system and is its part.

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The filtering chamber of folded filter of type FCCF

The section of folded filter of type FCCF is used for installation and hermetic sealing of filters of type CCF with dimensions 592x592x292(300) in systems of general ventilation and in air conditioning of household, administrative and industrial buildings. The filtering chamber is placed in the structure of a ventilating system and is its part.

Filters CCF require installation of filters of lower efficiency before them. In this case, the filtering chamber of pocket filters of type FCPF (see the catalogue of "Air Filters F") with prefilters PF of required class and pocket length of up to 600 mm can be set up before section FCCF.

By request filtering chamber FCCF can be supplied with elements for installation and hermetic sealing of pocket filters PF with pocket depth of no more than 250 mm or compact miniplect filters CMPF.

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